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Effective market planning involves strategies such as social media marketing in reaching its target market. Market planning is the process of defining and organizing the marketing aims of a business. Additionally, it involves gathering strategies and tactics to achieve those aims. A good marketing plan should consist of information on the target market, the business’ value proposition, and a comparative positioning of competitors within the market. Moreover, market planning has two stages. The first stage involves sales evaluation and projection of the previous promotional activities to determine their effectiveness. Contrastingly, the second stage involves organizing the marketing objectives and strategies.
 effective market planning and social media marketin


The first step to achieving effective market planning is carrying out a situation analysis. Primarily, this is an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business. This helps in achieving the aims of a business. Furthermore, it is also important to develop a target market profile. Additionally, it is essential to estimate the demand for the goods and services of a business and the expectation of the demand growth. Determining the marketing strategy is also another key step. Low-cost marketing methods such as social media marketing may be more effective and reach a larger market. The final step is setting a financial plan.
steps to achieve effective market planning


Social media marketing allows a business to reach a larger audience. Moreover, a business can connect directly to its audience. This enables the achievement of the aims of a business by providing better customer service and getting to know their audience better. Also, through effective market planning, social media marketing allows a business to build its brand. Furthermore, it promotes brand recognition and builds loyalty among customers. It also drives traffic to the website of a business through posting content with links.
 advantages of social media marketing

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