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Effective emergency management is key in the disaster planning process. Emergency management is the process of organization and management of the available resources and responsibilities for dealing with all aspects of emergencies. The aim of this process is mainly to reduce the harmful effect of disasters and hazards. Disaster planning on the other hand is the process of coping with all casualties and mass destructions of normal activities as a result of human or natural catastrophes. Besides the planning process addresses major problems such as explosions, earthquakes, famine, fire floods, and contaminated water supplies among others. Additionally, this planning process may occur from the local to the state level.

Read more on effective emergency management and disaster planning process at;


There are four phases in effective emergency management. Firstly, planning begins with a thorough evaluation and analysis of serious threats that could occur therefore allowing leaders to create strategies to work in case of such emergencies. Secondly, prevention is the modification of existing assets, infrastructure, and operations of a company hence reducing the impact of an emergency. For instance, reinforcing buildings to prevent them from collapsing due to an earthquake. Thirdly, a response is the ability of a company to respond to the massive impact of a disaster. The methods of response are prepared during the disaster planning process hence faster saving of lives and assets. Lastly, recovery occurs after an emergency. In this case, companies follow legal processes to get back to normal operations.#

Read more on the phases of effective emergency management at;


During the disaster planning process, companies need to consider the following aspects to ensure continuity and reduced impacts. Development of a business continuity plan. This helps to outline the action plan that a company takes after a disaster hence ensure limited disruption of services. Also, companies should prepare an explanation to outline the purpose of this plan. Therefore, this helps the people to understand why they need such a plan. Additionally, companies need to prepare an effective emergency management committee or rather a team. This body helps to educate the members of some of the ways they can respond in case of an emergency. Lastly, preparation of a website that is flexible and mindful of the environment.

Read more on the factors to consider during the disaster planning process at;

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