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This paper analyzes effective corporate communication and strategic public relations. In the current world, the establishment of many connections is through digital means hence corporate communication is a key factor that contributes to a company’s success or failure. It has a great impact on employee productivity, brand awareness, and innovation. Corporate communication consists of external and internal communication. Aligning internal and external communication contributes majorly to building a strong brand identity and improving the productivity of an organization.
effective corporate communication and strategic public relations


Effective corporate communication creates a strong brand identity by promoting brand awareness. This is by using employee advocates who magnify an organization’s social media reach. High brand awareness creates higher revenue and even more leads. As a result, this may end up promoting the strategic public relations of an organization. Effective corporate communications also improve employee engagement as they enjoy working hence they can work for longer hours and harder. It encourages employees to share their opinions and concerns hence improving productivity, innovation, and collaboration. The more productive employees are the more revenue generated. Employees who feel productive in turn promote goodwill between the company and its consumers hence a form of strategic public relations.
functions of effective corporate communication


Strategic public relations help to manage a company’s reputation. Its achievement is through trusted media connections. Public relations agencies may also provide such connections. It also promotes a strong brand identity as new connections build ties hence also strengthening community relations. Good public relations build good relationships with customers hence a good reputation. This plays a role in effective corporate communication as it provides a good reputation for the company’s stakeholders. Strategic public relations also help to enhance a company’s online presence by using digital connections. It helps restore a company’s brand name in case of a disaster or when something goes wrong with the company’s image.
Read more on strategic public relations at;

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