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ECON11026 Assessment 3 Coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken the world like a storm.

In this assignment, ECON11026 Assessment 3 Coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken the world like a storm. First, we will discuss the possible measures and effects that this has resulted in. It is crucial to note that the essay follows a specific rubric. Here are the Detailed Instructions on the Structure of the Essay Firstly we have the  Introduction. In the introductory paragraph(s) we should broadly outline the topic that will be the focus, in our case, ECON11026 Assessment 3 Coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken the world like a storm.  Secondly, we will explain why it is important and a brief outline of the main sections that we will discuss in the remainder of the essay. Further, we have the Body of the research paper. In the body of the essay, it must contain the main sections.

we will not include the title ‘Body’ in our essay. we may also divide the body section into sub-sections by including sub-headings.

ECON11026 Assessment 3 Coronavirus (COVID-19) and macroeconomic environment in Australia

In this first subheading, therefore, As a minimum, we should provide the following subsection. Firstly, we will provide an overview of the current macroeconomic environment in Australia by using a range of macroeconomic indicators such as GDP growth, unemployment rate, inflation rate, lending indicators, building approvals, etc. Also, since this is a global issue, the macroeconomic environment in Australia has also felt the effect. Hence, we will discuss how these indicators have been affected by the COVID-19 emergency. Secondly, we will assess the economic performance of the last four quarters and identify the stage of the business cycle based on the latest data available. It is worth noting that, 2020 March quarter GDP figures may not be available till 3 June to be used in this ECON11026 Assessment 3 Coronavirus (COVID-19)has taken the world like a storm report.

Define fiscal policy and its objectives. and the DADA principles

Define fiscal policy and its objectives. Identify various types of fiscal policy and with appropriate diagrams, explain how they influence aggregate demand;• Explain how the multiplier process works with respect to the proposed COVID-19 stimulus spending in Australia;• Evaluate the impact of the fiscal stimulus initiatives taken by the government on the previously forecasted budget balance of the Federal Government and its influence on the macroeconomy; and• Also, we will discuss the limitations of using fiscal policy to stabilize the economy.  Additionally, we must define key terms before analyzing them. In any economic analysis, it is good practice to follow the
DADA principle – Definitions, Assumptions, Diagrams and Analysis. We will not include these as sub-headings in our ECON11026 Assessment 3 Coronavirus (COVID-19) essay ).

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken the world like a storm and Detailed instructions regarding using DADA principles diagrams

We will need to label All diagrams and discuss them in detail.  All, Embedded JPEG files of hand-drawn diagrams are acceptable and we must cite them as “Source: Adapted from Author, date, p. number”. Further, All definitions and ideas obtained from published material must be appropriately referenced. Last but not least,  the Conclusion should be integrated with the summary of our main points. It should include a final statement that reflects the research we have conducted and our overall understanding of the topic. New material should not be introduced into the concluding section.

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