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An example of diabetes in adults is gestational diabetes in women. Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. When a person has diabetes, the body either fails to make enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Moreover, when a person does not seek treatment for high blood sugar due to diabetes, it can damage their nerves, eyes, kidneys, and other organs. Diabetes can lead to the buildup of sugars in the blood. Resultantly, this increases the risk of dangerous complications such as heart diseases and stroke. Additionally, different types of diabetes can occur and the management of the condition depends on the type.

Read more on diabetes in adults and gestational diabetes in women at;


Fundamentally, there are three major types of diabetes in adults. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin. Resultantly, people with type 1 diabetes rely on artificial insulin daily to stay alive. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin leading to high blood sugar. Additionally, it affects the way the body uses insulin and is the most common type of diabetes. Gestational diabetes in women occurs during pregnancy when the body becomes less sensitive to insulin. It usually resolves after pregnancy and does not occur in all women.

Read more on the types of diabetes in adults at;


It is not always possible to prevent gestational diabetes in women. However, pregnant women can take steps to reduce the risk. Women need to go into pregnant at a healthy weight. This involves making lifestyle choices that help to attain and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, this helps in the prevention of other types of diabetes in adults. Exercising regularly helps the body to maintain a healthy weight and become more sensitive to the insulin that the pancreas produces. This helps to prevent high blood sugar levels.

Read more on the ways of preventing gestational diabetes in women at;

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