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This paper analyzes the current health care policies and how they impact health care access. These policies shape the quality of health care provided and how medical personnel provide them. Health care access is a strong determinant of health therefore important. Current health care policies improve health access by the provision of insurance covers that allow easy access to medical services.  Easy access to health care by everyone allows for adequate population health.
 current health care policies and health care access


Current health care policies aim at achieving various objectives. These policies aim at the balancing of care quality and efficiency. In the future, there is a need for professionals to provide medical services to the population. These policies, therefore, aim to build and sustain the health care workforce of the future to ensure adequate population health. With the ongoing issue of the provision of basic medical care, health care access is an issue considered in the policies. It also aims to focus on health promotion by prevention, early intervention, and regular screening.
aims of the current health care policies


To achieve adequate population health, health care access is important. However, it is affected by several factors. These include; transportation where some people live far from the health facilities, therefore, have difficulty in accessing the services. The cost of health insurance also affects health care access. However, the current health care policies aim to provide affordable insurance covers for the population. Lack of medical practitioners in health facilities is also an issue. Some facilities have few medical service providers that affect the efficiency of the health care units.
 factors affecting health care access

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