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The assignment focuses on the Culture of South Florida Hindu Temple and its history. South Florida Hindu Temple is where hundreds of people come together for collective prayers each Sunday morning. Notably, the temple’s culture is one of inclusiveness and celebrates festivals from all corners of India. The celebrations of the South Florida Hindu Temple bring the people together in acknowledging the ancient way of Hinduism. The history of
Beyond its overwhelming architectural beauty, it also is a place that values Education. Children from all corners of India come together in the most appropriate learning environments. Moreover, they learn the values and principles of Sanatan Dharma. The Culture of South Florida Hindu Temple and its history highlights the rich history of the South Florida Hindu Temple.

 culture of South Florida Hindu Temple


The history of the South Florida Hindu Temple is important to Hinduism. In the early days of 1983, it was just a dream. Eventually, it would be a spiritual home away from home. The temple was also a visual reminder of the old world where members could practice the Sanatana dharma. The Hindu celebrations of the South Florida Hindu Temple served to strengthen the Hindu religion upon the temple opening.  At first, the founders met in houses, forming a community and raising money. The temple they imagined wouldn’t just house statues, but perform the necessary functions of spiritual life for its people. The Culture of South Florida Hindu Temple and its history is important in noting the temple’s findings.

For more information on the history of South Florida Hindu Temple and its importance to Hinduism, click


When visiting the temple, one can recognize the various celebrations of the South Florida Hindu Temple.  Sayings state that culture is something that gets cherished and preserved, the greatest gift to any generation. However, it is not that easy to wrap up and keep from decaying. Therefore, it is something that must get nurtured and practiced. The history of the South Florida Hindu Temple shows that various events have helped preserve the Hindu culture. Notably, a few weeks ago, the South Florida Hindu Temple figured out a way to do that. The temple hosted a “Passage to India” event featuring nine individual regions, each expressing a different cultural identity. The Culture of South Florida Hindu Temple and its history also highlights important aspects of the temple.

For more information on the celebrations of South Florida Hindu Temple and its significance, click

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