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This assignment looks at cultural assessment frameworks or Cultural Assessment Theories. There is a growing realization that the US is not a melting pot where immigrants assimilate into the mainstream culture. The USA, a country of many cultures, has an increasing appreciation of different ethnocultural groups due to a cultural assessment.  As a result, many health care professionals are concerned with providing culturally sensitive patient education. However, it is a daunting task for nurses and other health care providers in the United States. The reason being it’s hard to become familiar with the USA’s cultural dynamics of all the various ethnocultural groups. In conclusion, Data obtained from cultural assessment frameworks or Cultural Assessment Theories will help patients and nurses.


Integrated assessment models are in the Cultural assessment frameworks or Cultural Assessment Theories. Thus, Integrated assessment models attempt to account for interactions between social and natural systems. The TARGETS integrated assessment model when accounting for cultural perspectives role in its framing outcomes incorporates cultural assessment theories. The TARGETS group commend is for their attempt to make explicit the role of cultural perspectives on model outcomes. Therefore, the TARGETS group base their representations of cultural theory on the work of Schwartz and Thompson. The works of Schwartz and Thompson combine anthropological and ecological insights. However, the work raises several critical issues in a cultural assessment.

integrated assessment models in cultural assessments frameworks


In cultural assessment frameworks or Cultural Assessment Theories, we have Leininger’s Culture Care Theory. Leininger’s Culture Care Theory attempts to provide culturally congruent nursing care through tailor-made supportive and facilitative acts or decisions. Leininger’s acts or decisions as one of the cultural assessment theories fit with an individual or group’s cultural values. Care intends to have beneficial health outcomes for people of different or similar cultural backgrounds. Leininger’s model has developed into a movement in nursing care called transcultural nursing. In 1995, Leininger defined transcultural nursing as a substantive study and practice focused on comparative cultural care. Leininger developed new terms for the basic concepts of her theory. Lastly, the concepts addressed in the model are caring, care, cultural care, and a culture assessment.

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