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This  CRJ 202 corrections assignment will discuss the topics of punishment and corrections and the rise of the penal harm movement. Also,  the ideological and policy space exists to bring about alternative initiatives that emphasize social welfare and challenge the effectiveness of inflicting pain on offenders. The penal harm movement involves “get tough” ideology and policies. Therefore, the movement legitimized the infliction of pain on offenders through mass incarceration and tight surveillance in the community. Collateral consequences of imprisonment include diminishing offenders’ bonds to families and undermining future employment. Finally, such are the politics of crime, which always change depending on generational political contexts.
Read more of CRJ 202  corrections and the rise of the penal harm movement at


Politics have a massive influence on cultural beliefs, correctional knowledge, and policy shifts. Politics related to punishment and corrections occur because of conflicting factors. The most common is the fact that prisons are becoming overcrowded. In courtrooms, therefore, most accused criminals go free because the system cannot afford to have it any other way. Some scholars argue that the penal harm movement is the leading factor controlling major crimes. Court proceedings are becoming too hectic for police officers, prosecutors, and even judges. They all face pressures in courtrooms, resulting in plea bargains. These are the politics of crime. Politics is, therefore, a tool for controlling the societal beliefs about crime. Lastly, Politics go further to impose restrictions to control prisoners, such as denying them the right to vote.
Read more of the contribution of politics to crime at


The development of policies on CRJ 202  corrections assignment, punishment and corrections happen after conducting various studies. One is the crime control system, which involves the enforcement of these rules and policies. It concerns police officers, courts, and corrections decisions. Politics of crime is also another area of interest that is involved with studies of crime control reforms. These include ‘get-tough’ crime control policies. However, it is unclear as to why political systems are reluctant to review the penal harm movement. The most reasonable reason would be to control mass incarceration. Thus, for every proposal made to reduce crime, there is a powerful, organized interest that opposes it.
Read more of crime, corrections and public policy at 

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