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The essay highlights corporate-level strategy and Netflix SWOT analysis to understands Netflix’s internal and external environment. Business owners need a targeted corporate-level strategy to position themselves for success. Notably, corporate-level systems define a plan to hit a specific target needed to achieve business goals. Thus, corporate-level strategies get implemented throughout the entire organizational structure. Notably, different techniques might be simultaneously employed but set at different priority levels. Notably, business growth strategies look at methods to get more revenues from the sales of products or goods. An example is the Netflix business model that supports intensive growth. Industry leaders often talk about vertical and horizontal strategies when referring to growth strategies. Discussing the corporate level strategy and Netflix SWOT analysis helps in understanding the business model of Netflix.

 corporate-level strategy


The Netflix business model employs intensive growth strategies that lead to continued success. Netflix Inc.’s business model aligns with the company’s generic strategy for competitive advantage and intensive growth strategies. Netflix Inc. focuses on movies and series, and the production of original content. Moreover, the company’s business model also involves a flat-rate subscription revenue model. That is in the absence of advertising within the streaming platform. A Netflix SWOT analysis helps in identifying the internal and external business environments of the company. Furthermore, Netflix’s intensive growth strategies and generic strategy for competitive advantage require management initiatives that extend beyond streaming operations. The essay helps in understanding the importance of corporate-level strategy and Netflix SWOT analysis.

 Netflix business model and intensive growth strategies


The research paper discusses the Netflix SWOT analysis to identify the internal and external factors affecting the business. One of Netflix Inc.’s significant strengths is its high brand equity, which is the business benefit and value associated with the company’s brand, relative to competitors. Besides, its large platform of content producers and consumers is a strength. The Netflix business model allows for massive growth by leveraging on its strengths. Netflix’s opportunities include growth through product mix expansion. For example, the company can develop new types of entertainment content that can get accessed through its website or mobile apps. Netflix’s marketing mix or 4P affects how such market penetration achievement occurs. Furthermore, online business has the opportunity to diversity. Lastly, the corporate-level strategy and Netflix SWOT analysis essay highlight the factors that affect the business model of Netflix.

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