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This paper analyzes corporate financial management and investment banking in business; corporate finance deals with the financial operations carried out daily and the short-term and long-term goals of a business. However, investment banking focuses on raising the capital within a business. Not only does it conduct mergers but also acquisition deals. Investment banking is responsible for the growth of the business while corporate finance handles the management of a business. Moreover, investment banking raises capital for a business by securing operations in the equity and debt markets.
corporate financial management and investment banking in finance


Corporate financial management is essential in the management of a business to generate profit. It helps in the management of risk to reduce the sudden fall in product sales and the mass resignation of employees. Furthermore, it minimizes the manufacturing cost. This assists in investment banking in business as it creates more profit. Besides, corporate finance helps a business to grow and diversify. It handles the purchase of equipment and other costs. Additionally, corporate financial management is crucial for a business to constantly perform research and development on its products and the market. It provides information on the availability of finance which helps in the decision making process.
 importance of corporate financial management


Investment banking in finance helps a company to list the initial offering in a stock exchange. Besides, it enables the structuring of derivatives with strategies based on single and multiple. This also generates a good return to investors. Moreover, it guides investors to manage their portfolio, purchase, and trade various securities. This has a great impact on corporate financial management as these activities contribute to the financial operations of a business. Furthermore, it helps the management of a business in their equity research. This research provides information on the rating of a business which helps them to make decisions on their investments.
 functions of investment banking in finance

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