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This research paper includes a comparative study of the nursing curriculum in nursing faculties. The implementation of the nursing curriculum requires consideration of three factors. The main one is the understanding of nursing care practice. Also,  the others are the educational environment and psychological factors. Psychological factors include the teaching environment, where teachers interact with students. Nursing curriculum development is essential to counter the dynamic nature of nursing. Additionally, today’s nurses are required to know so much more content and learn it in a much shorter time. They also face challenges in contributing to society as professionals. Therefore, nursing students should have the necessary nursing competency.
Read more of the comparative study of the nursing curriculum in nursing faculties at


Nursing students can gain nursing competency using the concept-based approach in the comparative study. It is an educational method that focuses on big ideas. It teaches students how to organize and categorize information. By having competent students in nursing, nursing curriculum development becomes much more manageable. Concept-based learning challenges students to think critically about new subjects and situations that they encounter. Therefore, students must think beyond the facts and connect factual knowledge to ideas of conceptual significance and find relevance. Before the implementation of nursing curriculums, students must understand all aspects of their practice.
Read more of the concept-based approach in nursing education at 


For the implementation of nursing curriculums, nursing faculties must define the conceptualization of nursing. Afterward, nursing faculties design or selects models of nursing that supports their particular conceptualization. For this research paper, we will analyze the SPICE model (student-based, problem-based, integration, community-based, elective, and systematic). The model highly promotes nursing competency for students in the comparative study. The quality of nursing care depends on the provision of services, and this necessitates correct education. Nursing curriculum development is, therefore, crucial to train capable and competent nurses. Finally, nursing students should have the required skills and attitudes to promote health.

Read more of nursing education curriculum models at 

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