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This paper analyzes commercial fishing methods and efficient fish farming. Fish farming is one form of aquaculture in which fish are raised in ponds and sold commercially for food. It is a growing sector in animal food production and it contributes to about fifty percent of the amount of fish consumed worldwide. The fish farms operate best in water bodies or enclosures such as ponds. The amount of fish and the nature of the water body usually determines the method of fishing. This creates a balance between the cost of fishing, the demand, and profit gained from the sale of fish. Commercial fish farming is usually more expensive than subsistence farming methods.
commercial fishing methods and effective fish farming


A common method of catching a large amount of fish is purse seine fishing. A boat moves a net around a shoal of fish. It then pulls the net to the shore. Another commercial fishing method is trawling. A trawler pulls a net down at the bottom of the sea as it moves. Using gillnets is another method of commercial fishing. The fish swim onto the net and get stuck. For efficient fish farming, the methods used should involve minimal costs and maximize the amount of fish caught. Other methods such as long lining or pole and lining catch fish that are close to the surface.
 common methods of commercial fishing


Efficient fish farming ensures the production of high-quality animal protein in fish. It also becomes easy to integrate with existing farms and produce additional sources of income. It ensures efficient use of marginal land. Through commercial fishing methods, efficient fish farming ensures the reliable supply of fish as fish production is all year round. It reduces the risk of overfishing as fish for fish farms is sufficient for the market. It also ensures low cost of fishing without reducing the amount of fish in production. Efficient fish farming leads to the growth of industries that deal with the processing of fish.
 advantages of efficient fish farming

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