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Colon cancer disease among the aging population is a common occurrence in the world today. However, this does not mean that colon cancer disease does not affect the younger population. In fact, recent research shows that there exist cases of colon cancer among the younger population. Therefore, not only the aging population is at risk, and hence the disease warrants further research. Though the disease affects both age groups, it is more rampant among the aging population. Notably, clinicians associate the disease with higher morbidity and mortality rates among the elderly. This means that the disease causes many cases of illness and deaths among the aging population. Thus, the disease makes life unbearable for this particular group of the population.

Read more on colon cancer disease among the aging population at:


Colon cancer disease has many predisposing factors, which makes an individual susceptible to infection. First, an individual’s age may act as a factor that promotes the development of colon cancer. Mostly, the aging population is at a greater risk of acquiring the disease compared to the younger population. Additionally, a history of colon cancer in the family also acts as a risk factor. Furthermore, individual behaviors such as drug and substance abuse may predispose one to acquire the disease. Besides, a lack of exercise may also predispose one to the disease. This is because these behaviors force the body into a state in which it cannot defend itself. Thus, they leave the body susceptible to colon cancer, which increases the mortality and morbidity rates of the population.

Read more on predisposing factors to colon cancer at:


Several diseases usually affect the elderly and among these is colon cancer disease. Notably, these diseases have a major impact on the lives of the elderly and make life unbearable. For this reason, it is important to learn the ways of caring for the aging population. Thus, the elderly will have a better chance of leading a more quality life. First, we should understand that old age, coupled with cancer, might make it difficult to maintain independence. Therefore, it is advisable to help the affected elderly in performing activities of daily living. Moreover, the disease may also impair cognitive ability. Hence, individuals should help them with decision-making activities to improve the morbidity and mortality rate of the disease.

Read more on caring for the aging population at:

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