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China’s export slowdown consequences on china’s political economy are evident in economic shocks impacted on workers in the country. Adverse economic shocks affecting labor markets and the well-being of citizens often have repercussions for domestic political outcomes. Chinese merchandise exports have gone into a sharp reversal since 2012. Given the role the exports have played in China’s economic development, the slowdown has sparked netizens’ concerns. Emerging reports indicate layoffs rise and the shutdown of factories in addition to the export manufacturing orders declining. The result triggers localized strikes over job losses and unpaid wage arrears. Additionally, the protests have led to concerns that the cumulation of such labor-related events could undermine domestic political stability. Lastly, China’s export slowdown consequences on China’s political economy is a crucial topic that needs attention.  For more information on china’s export slowdown consequences on china’s political economy, click


Understanding the future of China’s political economy incorporates assuming what the future holds under President Xi Jinping. The president, upon his election, promised the elimination of poverty in the country and achievement moderate prosperity. The 2021 target, however, is adding pressure to the promise. 2021 goal puts an emphasize on the refusal to allow China’s economic development growth rate to slow too much. The Chinese managers should ensure the success of the 2021 target regardless of downside risks, foreign or domestic. Xi’s vision for China’s future is whether he is prepared to give up absolute party control. Abandonment of the party control will mean he allows market forces to shape the country’s economic outcomes. Also,  a new economic model that promotes economic growth resulted from China’s export slowdown consequences on china’s political economy. For more information on the future of china’s political economy, click


China’s economic development has made the country a major commercial partner of the United States. Since opening up to foreign trade and investment and implementing free-market reforms in 1979, China has grown economically. Such growth has enabled China to double its GDP and raise an estimated 800 million people out of poverty. China is the largest U.S. merchandise trading partner, most prominent source of imports and third-largest U.S. export market. China’s political economy acknowledges China’s need to embrace a new growth model relying less on fixed investment. The Chinese government has made innovation a top priority in its economic planning through several high-profile initiatives. In 2017, Trump Administration launched investigations on China’s innovation and intellectual property policies deemed harmful to the U.S economy. China’s export slowdown consequences on china’s political economy will also affect the U.S. economy.

For more information on china’s economic development and its implication for the U.S., click

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