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The rise of Captains of industry and growth of labor unions contributed to the economic growth of countries. A captain of industry is a leading business person who people respect and admire. The term became popular in Great Britain and then the United States during the Industrial Revolution. They were business leaders whose means of building up a personal fortune also contributed to their country’s wealth, and some championed for the goals of populism. Their contribution may have included boosting productivity, providing lots of jobs, acts of philanthropy, and expansion of markets. At the end of the Civil War, many people viewed America as a failing experiment of democracy. A mere fifty years later, America started evolving rapidly into a significant power. It subsequently became the world’s superpower. Captains of industry and growth of labor unions positively impacted the economies of the US and Britain.

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The origin of the growth of labor unions dates back to the eighteenth century and the industrial revolution in Europe. During this time, there was a massive surge of new workers into the workplace that needed representation. In the United States history of unions, early workers and trade unions played an essential part in the role of independence. In the account of America’s trade and labor unions, the most famous union remains the American Federation of Labor (AFL), founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers. Captains of industry and growth of labor unions were essential to the industrial revolution in the US and Britain. At that time, private-sector union membership began a steady decline that continues today. However, membership in public sector unions continues to grow consistently. Some captains of the industry worked towards the goals of populism as well as the growth of trade unions.

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Throughout the 1880s, local political action groups known as Farmer’s alliance sprang up among Midwesterners and Southerners, who were discontented because of crop failures, falling prices, and poor marketing and credit facilities. Captains of industry and growth of labor unions contributed to the goals of populism. In 1892 their leaders organized the populist, or People’s, Party, and the Farmers’ Alliances melted away. While trying to broaden their base to include labor and other groups, the populists remained almost entirely agrarian-oriented. Labor and this support led to the growth of labor unions in the US, the direct election of US senators, and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy and give farmers economic parity with business and industry. The white majority in the country felt threatened by the goals of populism

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