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Breast cancer in women is very common, however, there are various methods of prevention of breast cancer. Most women over the age of 50 years fall victim to this disease, however, young women can also get it. About 1 in 8 women have breast cancer during their lifetime. There’s a good chance of recovery when detected at an early stage. For this reason, it’s vital that women check their breasts regularly for any changes and always have any changes examined by a GP. As the causes of breast cancer are not fully understandable, at the moment it’s not possible to know its prevention. Besides, studies look at the link between breast cancer and diet.
 breast cancer in women and prevention of breast cancer


There are several ways for the prevention of breast cancer. First, the maintenance of healthy body weight reduces the risk of different cancers which includes breast cancer. It is therefore important to ensure that individuals exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes daily. Second, a healthy diet reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. Hence, people should ensure that they take lots of fruits and vegetables and reduce their alcohol intake. Third, lactating mothers should ensure that they breastfeed their children for at least one year. This is because it lowers the risk of cancer besides having a great benefit to the child. Lastly, birth control pills for women over 35 years are one of the causes of breast cancer, hence women should avoid them.
 methods of prevention of breast cancer


Breast cancer in women has both controllable and uncontrollable risk factors. These controllable risk factors include weight, diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, and smoking, exposure to estrogen, oral contraceptives, stress, and anxiety. With these factors, therefore, an individual has a wide range of options that help them in the prevention of breast cancer. Additionally, there are uncontrollable risk factors which include, gender, age, family history of breast cancer, personal history of breast cancer, race, and radiation therapy to the chest, breast, cellular changes, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Therefore, individuals with these factors should ensure that they undergo regular screening to test for the causes of breast cancer.
 risk factors of breast cancer in women

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