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Authenticity, Equity, and Inclusivity. quality 2023

Reflections on Authenticity, Equity, and Inclusivity: The Journey of an Inclusive Manager

Authenticity, Equity, and Inclusivity

In today’s diverse and evolving workplace, managers play a crucial role in fostering authenticity, equity, and inclusivity. As a manager participating in a peer mentoring group, this essay serves as a reflection on my experiences and understanding of these important concepts. By exploring the significance of authenticity, equity, and inclusivity in the workplace and delving into my own core beliefs and values, this essay aims to highlight the importance of self-awareness and continuous learning in becoming an authentic, equitable, and inclusive manager.

 Authenticity, Equity, and Inclusivity

Authenticity in the role of a manager refers to genuine leadership that fosters trust, openness, and transparency. Authentic manager embraces their true self and encourages the same from their team members. By demonstrating vulnerability and expressing their values and beliefs, authentic leaders inspire employees and build strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Authentic leadership influences employee trust and engagement, as it creates an environment where individuals feel valued and heard. When employees witness their managers being true to themselves, it encourages them to bring their authentic selves to work, fostering an atmosphere of psychological safety. This, in turn, enhances employee engagement, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

The contribution of an authentic manager to the success of an organization is significant. Authenticity promotes open communication, encourages innovation, and nurtures a positive work culture. By being authentic, managers create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas, leading to increased creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Furthermore, an authentic manager acts as a role model for employees, inspiring them to align their goals and values with those of the organization.

An inclusive and equitable workplace embraces diversity, provides equal opportunities, and ensures fairness in all aspects of employment. It celebrates and values differences, promoting an environment where every individual feels respected, included, and empowered.

Key features of an inclusive and equitable workplace include eliminating bias in recruitment and promotion processes, providing equitable access to resources and development opportunities, fostering a culture of respect and belonging, and actively addressing and challenging systemic inequalities.

Such a workplace has a profound impact on both employees and the organization. It enhances employee morale, motivation, and productivity by creating a sense of belonging and psychological safety. In an inclusive environment, employees from diverse backgrounds are more likely to contribute their unique perspectives, leading to improved decision-making and innovation.

Initiatives and practices that promote diversity, inclusion, and equality may include diversity training programs, employee resource groups, mentorship or sponsorship programs, and implementing inclusive policies and benefits. By implementing such practices, organizations demonstrate their commitment to fairness and inclusivity.

 Role of a Manager in Promoting an Authentic, Equitable, and Inclusive Workplace

As a manager, fostering authenticity, equity, and inclusivity is a responsibility that goes beyond mere compliance with policies. Managers must actively champion these values and lead by example.

Managers need to give the following plans and actions top priority to foster an environment of authenticity, equity, and inclusion:

By promoting open communication and genuinely hearing the opinions of employees, one may create a secure and welcoming environment.

While appreciating the range of abilities and experiences, setting clear expectations and offering constructive criticism can help someone grow and develop.

Fostering diversity and inclusion by using inclusive recruiting procedures and guaranteeing equitable access to professional progression possibilities.

To improve their knowledge and leadership skills, people should constantly educate themselves on topics relating to fairness, diversity, and inclusion.

To eliminate unconscious prejudices and advance a culture of respect and understanding, discourse and discussion-facilitating on challenging themes are necessary.

Being an agent of positive social change as a manager brings numerous benefits to both the organization and its employees. It fosters a diverse and inclusive workforce, leading to enhanced creativity, innovation, and productivity. Additionally, it builds a positive reputation for the organization, attracting top talent and fostering strong employee loyalty. However, it is important to acknowledge that promoting positive social change may come with challenges, such as resistance from individuals who may be uncomfortable with change or discomfort in addressing sensitive topics. Overcoming these challenges requires resilience, empathy, and effective communication.

Core Beliefs and Values

As a manager, my core values, beliefs, and experiences have shaped my leadership style and approach. Key values such as integrity, respect, and fairness have guided my thinking and behavior in the workplace. These values are derived from personal experiences and an understanding of the importance of treating individuals with dignity and embracing diversity.

My identified values and beliefs have influenced my workplace behavior, enabling me to establish trust and foster an inclusive environment. For instance, my belief in fairness has guided me to ensure the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities among team members. By valuing diversity, I actively seek different perspectives, promoting collaboration and innovative problem-solving.

In situations where decisions needed to be made, my values and beliefs play a significant role. For example, when faced with selecting a candidate for a promotion, I prioritize meritocracy and inclusivity. By considering diverse skills and experiences, I aim to create a balanced and diverse team that reflects the organization’s values.

 Ethical Choices

As a manager, I have encountered several instances where ethical choices had to be made. One such instance involved a project where a team member was taking credit for the work of others. The available courses of action included ignoring the issue, confronting the team member privately, or addressing the situation openly.

Ultimately, I chose to address the situation openly, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and acknowledging the contributions of all team members. This decision was aligned with my belief in fairness and ensuring that individuals receive recognition for their work.

In another instance, I faced a dilemma regarding a potentially discriminatory comment made by a senior employee. I had to decide whether to ignore the comment, address it privately, or report it to HR. Recognizing the significance of inclusivity, I chose to address the issue privately, emphasizing the importance of respectful and inclusive language. This decision aligned with my core belief in fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace.

Reflecting on these ethical choices today, I stand by the decisions I made. However, my evolving understanding of ethics and managerial responsibilities has further deepened my commitment to addressing such issues proactively, challenging systemic biases, and fostering a culture of inclusivity.

This essay has explored the concepts of authenticity, equity, and inclusivity in the role of a manager. By examining the importance of authentic leadership, equity, and inclusivity in the workplace, we have recognized their significant impact on employee trust, engagement, and organizational success.

Additionally, by reflecting on our core beliefs and values as managers, we gain insights into the influences on our behavior and decision-making processes. Acknowledging the ethical choices we have made in the past allows us to grow, learn, and refine our understanding of ethics and managerial responsibilities.

In the end, developing into authentic, equitable, and inclusive managers requires self-awareness and ongoing development. Managers can create environments where people flourish, give of themselves, and contribute to a common goal of success by embracing these values and actively promoting integrity, equality, and inclusiveness.


Harvard Business Review, George, B., Jones, G. and Ibarra, H. (2018). Authentic Leadership. HBR Emotional Intelligence.

Spisak, B.R. (2023). Computational Leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Taylor, J.C., Jr (2021). Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval. New York: Public Affairs. (2023). Available at: 

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