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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a medical condition that causes hyperactivity in children. Moreover, a person with attention deficit hyperactivity has differences in brain development and brain activity. Resultantly, this affects attention and self-control. Every child struggles at times to pay attention, follow directions, listen, or sit still. However, children with ADHD experience much harder struggles that happen more often. Additionally, this condition also affects many adults. The symptoms of this condition include hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity. Attention and self-control develop slowly as children grow up. They learn these skills with help from their parents and teachers.


Primarily, there are three types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These are the inattentive type, hyperactive type, or impulsive type. Furthermore, people with the inattentive type may have difficulties in maintaining focus on tasks or activities. Additionally, they may not follow through with instructions and may fail to complete their chores or duties. Trouble sitting still and restlessness may be a sign of hyperactivity in children. Moreover, they may rush through things and make careless mistakes. Parents and teachers may observe these symptoms in the early stages of the development of a child.


Parents and teachers play a crucial role in dealing with hyperactivity in children. Furthermore, hyperactivity may lead to poor performance in academics and behavioral problems. Fundamentally, parents need to establish order with an abundance of rules. Consequently, the children learn what the parents expect from them. Additionally, parents and teachers must minimize distractions. Things that other people do not notice can easily distract children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is important to provide an environment with minimal distractions for children to perform tasks that require concentration.

Read more on the ways of coping with hyperactivity in children at;

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