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This essay looks at AMST2701 third-wave feminism and second-wave feminism; feminism describes political, cultural, and economic movements that aim to establish equal rights and legal protections for women. Over time, feminist activists in the feminist movement have campaigned for women’s legal rights issues. The rights include especially those regarding contracts, property, voting; body integrity and autonomy; abortion, and reproductive rights. Feminist history is in three waves. The first wave, occurring in the 19th and early 20th century was mainly concerned with women’s right to vote. AMST2701 third-wave feminism and second-wave feminism comes after the first wave of feminism.

AMST2701 third-wave feminism and second-wave feminism


AMST2701 third-wave feminism and second-wave feminism are at war with one another. As the Women’s March drives the resistance against the Trump administration, feminism reaches a level of cultural relevance. Feminism hasn’t enjoyed that level in its years of the feminist movement. Thus, the  level is now a major object of cultural discourse, which has led to some very confusing conversations. The confusion is because not everyone is familiar with feminism and terms to do with waves of feminism. People began talking about feminism as a series of waves in 1968. The talk began when a New York Times Martha Weinman Lear published an article about second-wave feminism.

feminism, waves explained in the feminist movement


AMST2701 third-wave feminism and second-wave feminism transition has left a clear rift between the generations. Feminists have never gotten known for their uniformity of opinions, and the clash between the waves isn’t a surprise. Feminist revolutionaries from the 1960s and 1970s gathered at a recent conference at Barnard College to discuss the feminist movement. The revolutionaries shared their thoughts on the effects their words and actions have had on the US’s history. However, the problems with the women’s movement today and the theme of “us versus them” emerged repeatedly. The first wave refers to the movement to obtain the right to vote, which lasted 72 years. Second-wave feminism refers to the women’s movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

second and third-wave feminism clash over the future

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