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Addressing the potential threat of bioterrorism is problematic because such events are hard to predict. The consequences of a successful attack could be devastating. It would even be harder to determine whether the biological agents are human-made. Therefore, to prepare for such effects of bioterrorism, we need effective surveillance of infectious diseases, detection, and investigation of outbreaks. There is also a need to identify etiologic agents and their modes of transmission. It is, therefore, essential to develop various prevention and control strategies. These are some of the responsibilities of public health agencies in planning for bioterrorism emergencies. Acquiring and sustaining the capability for an adequate response to bioterrorism requires thoughtful analysis and carefully integrated planning by these agencies.
addressing the potential threat of bioterrorism


The effects of bioterrorism are potentially worse than any other form of attack. Biological elements exist in the air, water, and food. These elements are very hard to detect, and they may take an unknown amount of time to cause illness. This makes the process of planning for bioterrorism emergencies very challenging. Most deadly pathogens exist naturally in soil, air, water, and animals. Anyone with vast knowledge in areas of agriculture, medicine, and related fields has the potential to make these deadly weapons. This means that the potential threat of bioterrorism continues to increase as time goes. Lastly, there is growing concern about the intentional development of pathogens with pandemic potential.
the potential impacts of a bioterrorist attack


Various health departments have different processes and measures in planning for bioterrorism emergencies. Wearing protective clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential to ensure necessary protection for first responders in the event of a bioterrorist attack. In dealing with the threat of bioterrorism is high, high levels of security and safety will be necessary when hazards and airborne concentrations are either unknown or expected to be high. Public health professionals can acquire a complete guide from the Public Health Emergency Response Guide. With the guide, professionals can significantly help to reduce the potential effects of bioterrorism. Finally, the guide involves various areas such as initiating responses, detection and surveillance, diagnosis, response, and communication.
 preparation and planning for bioterrorism
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