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The addiction to drugs and engagement in drug abuse has serious adverse consequences. Addiction to drugs is a chronic and relapsing disorder that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. Additionally, it is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medication. Moreover, it is a brain disorder because it involves functional changes to brain circuits that handle reward, stress, and self-control. Also, these changes may last a long time even after a person stops taking drugs. Drug addiction often starts with the experimental use of a recreational drug in social situations then the drug use becomes more frequent.

Read more on the addiction to drugs and engagement in drug abuse at;


Primarily, the addiction to drugs often leads to engagement in drug abuse. One of its symptoms is the inability to stop using a drug despite it causing health problems or personal problems. Another symptom is an increase in risk-taking to access or use the substance. Also, addiction affects a person’s brain causing uncontrollable engagement in harmful levels of habit-forming behavior. Additionally, another symptom is profound changes in appearance including a noticeable abandonment of hygiene.

Read more on the symptoms of addiction to drugs at;


Engagement in drug abuse causes several health complications. Moreover, it affects nearly every part of the body. Substance abuse may lead to abnormal heart rates and heart attacks. Also, some drugs can stop bones from growing properly while others cause severe muscle cramping and general weakness. Additionally, the abuse and addiction to drugs affect a person’s brain by altering the chemicals that keep it working smoothly. Furthermore, when the brain releases dopamine, it causes a person to feel euphoric and wants more of a drug.

Read more on the effects of engagement in drug abuse at;

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