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This is an analysis of the addiction of alcohol and the treatment of alcoholism; the addiction to alcohol is a disease that can affect any person regardless of their condition. Factors that contribute to contracting this disease may be genetic, behavioral, or psychological. Moreover, it causes changes to the brain hence disabling the ability of a person to control their actions. Also, it affects the judgment and decisions the person makes. Additionally, the addiction to alcohol portrays itself in different ways. There are several signs of alcoholism. Generally, a person is not able to stay sober for a long period and therefore relies heavily on drinking. A person should, therefore, seek medical attention for a good treatment plan.
 addiction of alcohol and treatment of alcohol


Primarily, a medical expert gives the diagnosis of addiction to alcohol to a person with very problematic drinking disorder patterns. Drinking of alcohol more frequently than before is one of the signs of alcoholism. Moreover, a person may experience the cravings to use alcohol. Withholding of alcohol causes the person to experience some signs of withdrawal. Besides, the person is not able to fulfill roles at home and work. A person may also experience the need to drink more alcohol to feel its effect. Occasionally, may make unsuccessful attempts to stop the drinking of alcohol. However, without a good treatment plan, it is difficult to manage the treatment of alcoholism.
 signs of addiction of alcohol


Fundamentally, the first step in the treatment of alcoholism is seeing a doctor for help. Also, the doctor may provide medical assistance or refer a person to a treatment center with experts who can help with developing a good treatment plan. Some inpatient, outpatient, and residential programs may also help a person in fighting the addiction to alcohol. It may also be helpful to combine different treatment methods for the best results. Moreover, a person should detox to remove alcohol out of the body especially when experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as shaking and seizures. Hospitals and treatment centers usually provide detox services.
 simple methods of treatment of alcoholism

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