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The action learning process and categories of action are essential elements in improving organizational performance. The action learning process aids in addressing organizational problems, the advancement of individual skills, and the building of teams. Additionally, it is one of the strategies for developing leadership skills. The process gives employees skills for dealing with whatever comes their way, thus ensuring flexibility. It entails the following steps for its achievement. One is the naming of the problem whereby the group approaches the problem slightly differently from how businesses normally address issues. Secondly, solving the problem is carried out in two stages. These are agreeing on what the problem and giving possible solutions. After which, timing, questioning and answering, and resolution take place.

Read more on the action learning process and categories of action learning at


The action learning process may either be for handling a single project or multiple projects. There are two categories of the action learning process. One is the team project action learning. In this category, members aim at solving a single project. The organization determines the teams and the project handled. Many organizations using this method usually aim at improving organizational member’s competencies. On the other hand, individual-project action learning, the members bring their individual projects. Collaboration between participants throughout the process is critical for reaching an amicable solution. Additionally, participants may hail from a single unit in the organization or different organizations. Combination of both categories occurs in minimal cases. Therefore, incorporating this process as one of the strategies for developing leadership skills is essential for companies’ continuity.

Read more on the categories of action learning process in organizations at


Leadership skills play a significant role in an individual’s career development process. They complement the education people get before setting their careers. Moreover, soft skills such as good listening skills and communication are equally essential. Leaders are naturally born or developed through learning. It involves identifying and implementing key skills. The strategies for developing leadership skills require leaders to undertake the following. Taking the initiative of assigned tasks and engaging in critical thinking. Also, learn the art of listening effectively and motivate others. Listening and motivation must incorporate empathy for its success. Moreover, incorporating the action learning process is essential for developing such skills.

Read more on the strategies for developing leadership skills at

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