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A crucial step in the development of a solid business case is creating an implementation plan. A business case is documentation that outlines the opportunities, alternatives, project stages, financial investments and recommendations for the best course of action that will create business value. Furthermore, it is necessary to come up with a business case that demonstrates why a company needs a certain project and the benefits of the project to get the board or the management to approve the project. Resultantly, this helps a company in making better financial decisions. Additionally, the creation of a business case helps the company to formulate innovations, changes, and projects.

Read more on a solid business case and creating an implementation plan at;


The primary step in the development of a solid business case is determining the opportunities. Moreover, it is important to highlight the business opportunity that the proposal impacts. This includes the background of the project and investment logic. Such information assists the management in making better financial decisions. The next step is analyzing the available options and evaluating them. Furthermore, it is crucial to evaluate how the options will deliver the business objectives. Creating an implementation plan to outline how to achieve the business objectives is also key.

Read more on the steps of developing a solid business case at;


The process of creating an implementation plan begins with brainstorming the outcomes that the company desires. Consequently, this helps in setting goals, listing contingencies and making better financial decisions. The next step is assigning the implementation responsibility to an individual. Additionally, the individual should take charge, track team productivity, and assign individual tasks. Implementation planning is a crucial part of a solid business case hence it is important to choose an individual with the right abilities.

Read more on the process of creating an implementation plan at;

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