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Businesses should utilize a performance management system and work toward improving job satisfaction. A performance management system is a systematic approach to measuring the performance of employees. Additionally, it is a process through which the organization aligns its  goals and objectives with the available resources. Furthermore, it contributes to organizational benefits, employee benefits, and the manager’s benefits. Also, it has a positive influence on the loyalty of employees. It should have clear goals and regular assessment of the performance of all individual employees, Therefore, it helps in developing training and development plans for employees. Moreover, managing the performance of employees is the key objective of establishing performance management systems in an organization.


Fundamentally, a performance management system helps in reducing conflict among employees and thus improving the performance. Also, it motivates all the employees including managers and supervisors. Consequently, this promotes loyalty and is essential in improving job satisfaction. Moreover, it improves organizational performance and helps in retaining employees and improving their productivity. Additionally, it provides ample learning opportunities and helps in the career growth of the employees. This aids them in working towards the goals and objectives of an organization.


Primarily, the first step in improving job satisfaction is by providing a positive environment. A positive working environment motivates employees to achieve the goals and objectives of a company. Also, it keeps them loyal to the company. An organization should also establish reward systems to build the morale of employees. A performance management system helps to determine the efforts of individual employees that require recognition and rewards. Moreover, it is important to involve and engage the workforce. Consequently, this gives them a sense of ownership and pride in their work.

Read more on the methods of improving job satisfaction at;

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