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Cultivating Organizational culture. best 2023

Cultivating Organizational Culture: Insights from Edgar Schein

Cultivating Organizational culture

Cultivating Organizational culture is a complex notion pivotal in shaping individuals’ behavior, attitudes, and interactions. As businesses continue to progress and become more complex, the significance of organizational culture in influencing employee engagement, productivity, and overall success has garnered increased attention. In this essay, we will probe into the insights provided by Edgar Schein, a renowned organizational psychologist, concerning the definition of culture, its relevance, and the limitations of “best practices” within the context of Lorien Health Service, your organization.

Defining Cultivating Organizational Culture

According to Edgar Schein, organizational culture refers to the shared assumptions, beliefs, values, and norms that guide the behavior of individuals within an organization. It is a deeper level of culture that frequently remains unspoken but significantly influences how employees perceive their work, interact with colleagues, and make decisions. In the interview, Schein emphasizes the importance of understanding culture as a multifaceted phenomenon encompassing visible artifacts such as dress codes and symbols and the underlying beliefs and values that shape the organization’s identity.

The Relevance of Cultivating Organizational Culture

Schein highlights that organizational culture matters in numerous contexts and situations. He highlights that culture is critical when dealing with uncertainty, ambiguity, and change. In such situations, employees frequently rely on the cultural norms and values embedded within the organization to navigate challenges and make decisions. Culture provides stability and a shared framework for interpreting events, which can help align actions and decisions across the organization.

Moreover, culture plays a central role in fostering employee engagement and motivation. When employees resonate with the core values and mission of the organization, they are more likely to feel a sense of belonging and commitment. This emotional connection to the organizational culture can improve job satisfaction and contribute to higher performance levels.

Cultivating Organizational Culture; The Limitations of “Best Practices.

Schein introduces a problematic perception of the idea of “best practices.” He contends that unquestioningly adopting best practices from other organizations without considering the unique cultural context of one’s organization can be counterproductive. While best practices might have yielded success for one organization, they might yield different outcomes for another due to cultural, values, and circumstances differences.

Organizational culture is deeply ingrained and can significantly influence implementing processes and practices. Schein points out that effective practices are often deeply intertwined with the organization’s culture that developed them. Replicating these practices into a different cultural context might lead to a misalignment that hinders their effectiveness.

Cultivating Organizational Culture: Application to Lorien Health Service.

Schein’s insights hold significant relevance for Lorien Health Service, a healthcare organization committed to providing high-quality care to its patients. Understanding the unique culture of Lorien Health Service is vital in promoting employee engagement, patient satisfaction, and overall success.

Defining Culture at Lorien Health Service: At Lorien, culture encompasses not only the visible aspects, such as the professional attire of staff and the symbols representing the organization, but also the underlying values of compassion, patient-centered care, and continuous improvement. The culture at Lorien is rooted in the shared belief that every patient deserves personalized attention and that staff members are part of a collaborative and supportive community.

Cultivating Organizational culture; When Culture Matters:

Schein’s perspective on the relevance of culture aligns with Lorien’s healthcare environment. In a sector marked by constant changes in medical practices, regulations, and patient expectations, the organizational culture becomes the compass that guides decision-making. During times of uncertainty, such as introducing new treatment methods or shifts in healthcare policies, Lorien’s culture can provide a stable foundation for employees to navigate the challenges while staying true to the organization’s values.

Challenges with “Best Practices Lorien Health Service needs to be thoughtful when considering the adoption of “best practices” from other healthcare organizations. The practices established successfully in other contexts might not flawlessly integrate with Lorien’s culture. Implementing a streamlined patient intake process that worked for a different organization might align differently with Lorien’s culture of personalized care and individual attention.

Cultivating Organizational culture; Responding to a Colleague.

To respond to a colleague’s perspective, it’s essential to highlight the importance of context in understanding Schein’s insights. While Schein’s emphasis on culture and the limitations of “best practices” holds, it’s essential to recognize that certain core principles can be universally adapted while respecting an organization’s unique culture. Just as a culture shapes practices, practices can also shape culture over time. A balance must be struck between embracing an organization’s cultural identity and evolving to meet changing demands.

In conclusion, Edgar Schein’s insights provide valuable guidance for Lorien Health Service’s approach to organizational culture. By understanding and harnessing the power of culture, Lorien can create a resilient and engaged workforce while being mindful of the potential pitfalls of rigidly adopting external best practices. As Lorien navigates the dynamic landscape of healthcare, a culture-rooted strategy will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in achieving sustained success and excellence in patient care.

References to Cultivating Organizational Culture

McKinsey (2022). McKinsey & Company. [online] McKinsey & Company. Available at:

ProQuest (2018). ProQuest | Databases, EBooks, and Technology for Research. [online] Available at:

Cultivating Organizational culture

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