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Community Health Profile. quality 2023

Community Health Profile in Howard County in the State of Maryland

County Overview

     Name of County: Howard County B.

        State: Maryland

Community Health Profile

Community Health Profile; The Explanation for County Selection

Howard County is selected for this community health profile due to its diverse population, significant economic development, and the need to understand and address health issues.

Demographic Factors

The age distribution in Howard County includes a mix of various age groups, with a significant proportion of the population falling within the middle-aged and older adult categories. While the sex distribution in Howard County is relatively balanced, with a slight female majority.

Howard County has a highly educated population, with many residents having attained higher education degrees. The county has a relatively high average income reflects the area’s affluence. The majority of residents in Howard County are married or in a domestic partnership.

The average size of families in Howard County tends to be smaller, reflecting the trend of smaller households. The birth rate in Howard County is lower compared to other regions, indicating a relatively low fertility rate. Moreover, the death rate in Howard County is relatively low, reflecting the overall good health outcomes within the community.

Top Five Health Priorities in the Community Health Profile

 Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Description: Mental health and substance abuse are significant health concerns in Howard County, impacting individuals and families.

Impact on the Population: The prevalence of mental health disorders and substance abuse affects individuals’ well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life and strains healthcare resources.

Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

Description: Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, pose a substantial health burden in Howard County.

Impact on the Population: Chronic diseases contribute to reduced quality of life, increased healthcare costs, and premature mortality, requiring proactive prevention and effective management strategies.

Access to Healthcare Services

Description: Ensuring equitable access to healthcare services is crucial to address disparities and improve health outcomes in Howard County.

Impact on the Population: Limited access to healthcare can result in delayed or inadequate treatment, leading to poorer health outcomes, particularly among vulnerable populations.

 Obesity and Healthy Lifestyles

Description: Obesity and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, such as poor nutrition and physical inactivity, are significant concerns in Howard County.

Impact on the Population: Obesity increases the risk of chronic diseases and reduces overall well-being. Promoting healthy lifestyles can enhance residents’ quality of life and reduce healthcare costs.

Environmental Health and Sustainability

Description: Environmental health and sustainability involve addressing issues like air and water quality, waste management, and promoting a sustainable and resilient community.

Impact on the Population: A clean and healthy environment directly affects residents’ health, well-being, and quality of life. Efforts in sustainability contribute to a resilient and thriving community.

Priority Area Selection and Rationale for Community Health Profile

The selected priority area for Community Health Profile in-depth analysis is Mental Health and Substance Abuse due to their significant impact on the population and the need for comprehensive interventions.

Health Policy 1: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

Policy Description: The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act aims to expand access to mental health services, enhance prevention efforts, and improve substance abuse treatment programs.

Policy History: This policy was enacted in response to the growing mental health and substance abuse challenges in Howard County, with input from experts, healthcare providers, and community stakeholders.

Stakeholders Involved: Stakeholders involved in developing and implementing this policy include government agencies, mental health organizations, healthcare providers, and community advocates.

Implementation Efforts: Implementation efforts include establishing mental health clinics, expanding crisis intervention programs, and training healthcare professionals.

Success/Failure in Addressing the Priority Area: The success of this policy can be evaluated based on improved access to mental health services, reduced substance abuse rates, and increased community awareness and support.

Health Policy 2: Healthy Eating and Active Living Campaign

Policy Description: The Healthy Eating and Active Living Campaign promotes healthy lifestyle behaviors by raising awareness, providing education, and creating supportive environments.

Policy History: This policy was developed in response to the high rates of obesity and associated health risks in Howard County, with input from public health experts, educators, and community leaders.

Stakeholders Involved: Stakeholders involved in this policy include health departments, schools, community organizations, local businesses, and residents.

Implementation Efforts: Implementation efforts include implementing nutrition education programs, creating walkable and bike-friendly communities, and collaborating with local businesses to promote healthy food options.

Success/Failure in Addressing the Priority Area: The success of this policy can be assessed through improvements in healthy behaviors, reduced obesity rates, and increased availability of nutritious food options.

Health Policy 3: Equity in Healthcare Access Initiative

Policy Description: The Equity in Healthcare Access Initiative aims to address disparities in healthcare access and outcomes among underserved populations in Howard County.

Policy History: This policy was established to promote health equity and reduce barriers to healthcare services for marginalized communities, drawing on community input and insights from healthcare providers.

Stakeholders Involved: Stakeholders involved in this policy include community health centers, advocacy groups, government agencies, and local leaders.

Implementation Efforts: Implementation efforts involve expanding healthcare facilities in underserved areas, providing language interpretation services, and supporting community health workers.

Success/Failure in Addressing the Priority Area: The success of this policy can be evaluated based on improvements in healthcare access, reduction in health disparities, and enhanced health outcomes among underserved populations.

In conclusion, as the Community Health Profile for today, Howard County, Maryland, faces several health priorities, including mental health and substance abuse, chronic disease prevention and management, access to healthcare services, obesity and healthy lifestyles, and environmental health and sustainability. Policies addressing these priorities, such as the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, the Healthy Eating and Active Living Campaign, and the Equity in Healthcare Access Initiative, are crucial in promoting community well-being and improving health outcomes. By focusing on these priorities and implementing effective policies, Howard County can work towards creating a healthier and more resilient community for all its residents.

References: for Community Health Profile

Dabrowski, M. (n.d.). Howard County General Hospital – Award-Winning Health Care in Howard County. [online] Available at:

Howard County Library System. (n.d.). Howard County Library System. [online] Available at: (2017). Home. [online] Available at: (2023). Health | Howard County. [online] Available at: 

Community Health Profile

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