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Poor workplace communication may result from a lack of clear workplace objectives. Communication is often the key to success for various activities in the workplace. Moreover, good and effective communication ensures a healthy entity and the happiness of a team while working towards the common goals of a company. Furthermore, a company should establish successful communication learning strategies to eliminate poor communication. Poor communication often arises from misunderstandings between a speaker and a listener. Contrarily, good communication entails effective sharing of information, thoughts, meaning, and feelings between people.  This enables communicators to express themselves in a comprehensible manner that the listeners can understand what they intend them to.

Read more on poor workplace communication and clear workplace objectives at;


Primarily, poor workplace communication often results from misunderstanding. Consequently, it is important to ask questions when one does not understand clearly. Moreover, poor communication skills can also cause misunderstanding. For written communication, it is crucial to include correct, precise, and professional grammar. Additionally, the lack of clear workplace objectives leads to low performance. The employees have expectations or tangible goals to work towards. Good communication ensures employees understand their roles and responsibilities in a company. Furthermore, sharing of information through gossip may cause people to believe inaccurate information.


Clear workplace objectives enable employees to understand the purpose of the business. Furthermore, communicating these visions to employees gives them something to work towards. These objectives direct the activities of the business to achieve the objectives of the owners. Poor workplace communication hinders the achievement of these objectives. Moreover, rewarding employees for meeting goals and objectives motivate them. Resultantly, this improves the overall performance of a company. These objectives help to establish standards to evaluate performance. The management should ensure the employees understand their roles by sharing of information about what the company expects from them.

Read more on the importance of clear workplace objectives at;

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