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Climate change mitigations and climate variability impacts are a major concern in today’s world. Climate change broadly refers to the long-term alteration of temperatures and other typical weather patterns. This could be specific to a certain geographical location or the whole planet. Also, it causes the unpredictability of weather patterns this making it difficult to practice activities like cultivation in different areas. Climate variability on the other hand refers to the variation in the climatic parameter of a region from its long-term mean. For instance, the average annual rainfall of Rajshahi in northwestern Bangladesh is 1 494 mm. however, there is no assurance of getting this amount every year.

Read more on climate change mitigation and climate variability impacts at;


In the five regions of the United States, the climate variability impacts show as follows. There is increased heat in the southwestern region. This, therefore, results in drought and increased wildfires. Consequently, there is a decline in water supply thus reduced agricultural yields. In the Midwest, there is an increase in the reoccurrence of heavy downpours. This has led to flooding thus causing adverse effects on infrastructure, water quality, forestry, and others. In the southeastern region, there is a rise in sea level thus posing threats to the region’s economy. The northwest region is experiencing changes in the timing of streamflow thus reducing water supply. Lastly, the northeast experiences health waves and heavy downpours. Therefore there is a need to employ different climate change mitigation measures to solve these problems.

Read more on climate change variability impacts in the United States at;


There are two major ways to conduct climate change mitigation. By definition, climate change mitigation involves the reduction in the emission of and stabilization of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere thus reducing global warming. Therefore, this mitigation measure involves reducing climate change and climate variability impacts. First, there is also the reduction in the sources of these greenhouse gases such as the burning of fossil fuels for heat, electricity, or transport but instead, use other clean sources of energy. There is also the enhancing of the sinks that accumulate and store these gases such as oceans, forests, and the soil.

Read more on the ways of climate change mitigation at;

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