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The first stage of early moral development deals with obedience in children. Primarily, moral development is the process through which children develop proper behaviors and attitudes towards other people in society according to the cultural and social norms, laws, and rules. Moreover, parents need to teach a child to distinguish right from wrong and behave accordingly during this process. Several theories try to explain moral development. They include Piaget`s theory, Kohlberg`s theory, and Bronfenbrenner’s theory. However, each of these theories has its shortcomings and criticisms.

Read more on early moral development and obedience in children at;


Kohlberg`s theory of early moral development has three primary levels. Additionally, in each of these levels, there are two stages. Fundamentally, the first level is pre-conventional morality. In the first stage, punishment and obedience in children are common. Furthermore, obeying the rules is important as it avoids punishment. In the second stage, children account for individual points of view rather than that of people in society. Additionally, they judge actions basing on how they serve individual needs. The next level of moral development involves the acceptance of social rules regarding what is moral and good.


Obedience in children enables them to learn self-control and develop other positive character traits that they will need as adults. Moreover, it helps them to relate well with other people in society. Parents need to give orders to their children for the benefit of the child. When they realize that the demands are for their own sake, they more readily obey the parent. Additionally, parents must respect their children. This helps them in their early moral development as they learn to respect their parents and other people. In addition, parents should speak to their children in a gentle tone to create a relaxing atmosphere that is reassuring to the child.

Read more on the keys to obedience in children at;

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