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Mental health issues during pregnancy and after birth are very common especially among prim gravid women. This is because a lot of vulnerability marks the pregnancy and delivery period. Thus, most of them are prone to mental health issues. Notably, during pregnancy and after birth, a woman undergoes several changes. Among them may include physiological and psychological changes. Markedly, these changes aim to help the woman adjust to the coming parental roles. Even though some of them may adjust well to these new changes, a few find it challenging. As a result, they develop mental issues, which lead to poor health outcomes after delivery. Therefore, understanding these mental health issues and their causes may help women have positive delivery experiences.

Read more about mental health issues during pregnancy and after birth at:


Notably, mental health issues are common occurrences during pregnancy and delivery. Therefore, healthcare providers should be aware of ways of identifying these conditions in pregnancy and after birth for better management. Firstly, these conditions include postpartum blues. This manifests through symptoms ranging from anger to anxiety. It is the least fatal mental health issue during pregnancy. However, without proper medical management, it may turn to postpartum depression. Therefore, healthcare personnel must have the skills to identify and treat these conditions to prevent poor health outcomes in women. Research, however, indicates that these conditions are mostly missed and this results in higher mortality rates among the women.

Read more about examples of mental health issues in pregnancy at:


Even though mental health issues are common during pregnancy and after birth, there exists several interventions to help manage them. Firstly, care providers should help the woman build a social network that will provide support to her. As a result, throughout the pregnancy period, the woman will have someone to help her through her social issues. Additionally, a woman should get adequate rest during the pregnancy period to help the body relax. As such, the relaxation will rejuvenate the body regularly. Thus, she will be distant from feelings of irritability and exhaustion, which may cause poor mental health. This will help reduce poor health outcomes in pregnancy and after birth.

Read more about promoting mental health during pregnancy and after birth at:

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