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One benefit of an organic organizational structure is that it enhances good decision-making. It is a structure with extremely flat reporting. Moreover, the span of control of the manager encompasses a large number of employees. The employees tend to interact horizontally across the organization rather than vertically between their direct reports and layers of managers. Resultantly, the consensus among groups of employees is likely to make decisions rather than individual managers. Additionally, there tends to be a large amount of information sharing among employees rather than concentration of information at the upper levels. There may also be a large amount of cooperation between departments.

Read more on organic organizational structure and good decision-making at;


In an organic organizational structure, there is widespread availability of information that results in good decision-making. Resultantly, an organization reacts well to current market conditions. This helps in dealing with an unstable market environment where changes occur regularly. Furthermore, an organic organizational structure operates better with groups of employees with diverse skill sets and the ability to make decisions on multiple topics. This type of employees does not require many directions from the senior management.


For good decision-making, it is essential to carry out an analytical study for all possible alternatives of a problem together with their merits and demerits. Consequently, this enables the choosing of a selection of the most suitable decision from the alternatives. Additionally, proper communication between the management and groups of employees is important to make effective decisions. The type of the organization structure also influences the decision-making process. An organic organizational structure has flexible decision-making and prompt decision-making which is more effective and acceptable. Contrarily, if the organizational structure is rigid, the decision-making tends to delay and create confusion among employees.

Read more on the principles of good decision-making at;

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