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A functional organizational structure may at times hinder the coordination in an organization. Moreover, a functional organizational structure divides an organization into departments according to their function. Additionally, each department has its functional managers and employees with specific roles. The functional managers have much experience in the roles that they supervise. Resultantly, this ensures that the employees within the department use their skills effectively. This helps the organization in achieving its objectives. Also, the departments report to a single authority which is the top management. This type of organizational structure works well in a stable environment that has continuous operations. Furthermore, the goal of the functional structure is to place all the informational and human resources necessary together for one activity.

Read more on functional organizational structure and coordination in an organization at;


Primarily, a functional organizational structure separates the managers and employees of different departments. Resultantly, this takes away the opportunity to meet and share perspectives. This may harm the progress of a company in the long run. Additionally, it weakens the common bonds of employees within an organization as it limits interactions. Also, it leads to a lack of coordination in an organization. This is because the different departments cannot effectively communicate their needs and issues to other functional groups.


Coordination in an organization allows it to integrate the organizational goals and those of the management to bring harmony. This is particularly useful to an organization that is growing in size with an increasing number of employees. Also, a functional organizational structure requires effective coordination to ensure that the different departments remain a part of the organization. This also ensures that the managers and employees of the departments move towards the realization of organizational goals. Furthermore, coordination enables specialists and departmental heads to work in harmony to achieve organizational objectives.

Read more on the importance of coordination in an organization at;

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