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An effective MGMT310 performance evaluation is a process that helps an organization address the training needs of employees. Moreover, it is a formal procedure that measures the work of employees and their results according to their responsibilities. Additionally, organizations use it to gauge the amount of value that an employee adds in terms of the increasing business revenue. This is in comparison to the industry standards and overall employee return on investment. Furthermore, it is a process that an organization can not only sure for evaluating employee performance but also developing them. The human resource development objectives focus on finding the weaknesses and strengths of employees, developing healthy relations, and offering appropriate counseling and training of employees.

Read more on MGMT310 performance evaluation and needs of employees at;


Fundamentally, MGMT310 performance evaluation helps to carry out promotions according to the performance and competence of employees. Additionally, it confirms the services of probationary employees upon completion of their probation period. Furthermore, it assists in assessing the development and training needs of employees. This promotes the training of employees in the areas where they require improvement. Also, performance evaluation is crucial when deciding to institute a pay rise to fix regular pay scales. It is also an important tool for measuring the efficiency of human resource programs such as selection, transfers, and training.

Read more on the objectives of MGMT310 performance evaluation at;


Primarily, a company should address the various needs of employees to ensure maximum performance. A company needs to value its employees. Moreover, it should show concern for their needs through rewarding and recognition for employees when they perform well. Also, the organization can initiate training of employees to improve their skills in their jobs. The organization also needs to fulfill the need for goal accomplishment by giving each employee a clear opportunity to accomplish long-term and short-term goals. Furthermore, they can measure their progress using appropriate MGMT310 performance evaluation systems.

Read more on the needs of employees in an organization at;

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