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Life skills activities play an important role in solving moral issues in society. Life skills describe as et of basic skills that are acquired through learning or through direct life experiences that help individuals or groups to handle daily problems. These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, communication, and even collaboration, additionally, they include personal and social responsibilities that help people become good citizens. Moral issues in society refer to the code of conduct among people. Over the years, the moral conduct of individuals is deteriorating therefore raising a lot of concerns especially among teenagers and young adults.

Read more on life skills activities and moral issues in society at;


Life skills activities have several benefits for young people. Firstly, it helps them to develop self-confidence. This, therefore, helps them to successfully deal with significant changes and challenges in life such as discrimination and bullying in school. Secondly, it gives them a voice in the community, at school, and in society. Consequently, they can speak against the moral issues in society that affect them. Lastly, it enables them to make a positive contribution to developing their expertise and experience. Therefore, they can assert their rights and know their responsibilities while preparing for adulthood.

Read more on the benefits of life skills activities among young people at;


Addressing moral issues in society is important in the following ways. It makes society better therefore making our lives and the lives of our loved ones good. Poor moral conduct makes society a miserable place. It also results in equality. Equality makes all individuals have the equal right since there is no equality when people behave in an immoral manner. Additionally, equality is a result of life skills activities like critical thinking and problem-solving. Moreover, it helps to lessen stress. For instance, when a person makes an immoral decision, they often feel uncomfortable hence they are stressed. In conclusion, moral individuals lead to a better society.

Read more on the importance of addressing moral issues in society at;

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