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Clinical information systems are systems that work towards improving patient safety. Moreover, they are systems for collecting, storing, manipulating, and making clinical information important to the process of healthcare delivery. Also, healthcare facilities may limit it to a single area. It may also be widespread and include all aspects of clinical information such as electronic medical records. Additionally, it provides a clinical data repository that stores clinical data such as the interactions with care providers and patient history of illness. Furthermore, the repository encodes information capable of helping physicians decide about the condition of a patient, treatment options, and wellness activities.

Read more on clinical information systems and improving patient safety at;


Primarily, clinical information systems benefit both clinicians and patients. They help to improve communication between many health professionals caring for a patient. Additionally, through the use of electronic medical records, they provide all the information that clinicians need to make good decisions on matters concerning a patient. Therefore, they provide easy access to patient data with the ability to access it remotely. Moreover, these systems assist in improving patient safety and drug prescription. They improve drug dosing which reduces the adverse drug interactions while promoting more appropriate pharmaceutical utilization.


Essentially, allowing patient access to health information and clinical notes is crucial for improving patient safety. This is because it prevents medical record misinformation. Moreover, patients can look at their electronic medical records data enables them to spot inaccuracies in their medication history of prescription errors. Also, healthcare facilities need to create a safe patient experience through methods such as using clinical information systems to ensure their safety and improve their experience. Additionally, they should also create simple and timely appointment scheduling for patients to ensure that they receive care promptly.

Read more on the strategies for improving patient safety at;

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