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SQA4005 human resource management has several roles including the development of employees. Additionally, it is a formal system that helps in managing employees and other stakeholders within a company. Also, it maximizes the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of employees. Moreover, human resource management handles all aspects of employees and has various functions such as human resource planning, conducting recruitments, providing benefits as well as initiatives and career planning. Contrarily, employee development is the process of working with employees to enhance, improve, and refine existing skills to support the mission and goals of an organization. Furthermore, it requires a company to invest time, effort, and finance which pays off in the long-term.


Primarily, SQA4005 human resource management handles the recruitment of employees. This is a process of identifying talent gaps within a company and finding the right people to fill them hence improving the productivity of an organization. Additionally, it is a process that involves job analysis, sourcing, screening, and selection of the right candidates. Moreover, human resource management deals with the development of employees to improve their personal, team, and organizational effectiveness. This aligns the skills of the employees to the needs of the organization. Also, the management of human resources handles employee orientation to ensure that recruits transition effectively into a new organization.


The development of employees helps to improve the performance of an organization. Moreover, it helps the organization to remain competitive in its niche and meet its performance expectations. Also, employee development improves the productivity of an organization hence making it flexible to innovate, expand, and become robust within its niche. It is a role of SQA4005 human resource management that improves the engagement and motivation of employees. Additionally, saves an organization’s functions through the retention of employees.

Read more on the importance of the development of employees at;

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