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A successful crisis communication requires the identification of key stakeholders. Primarily, a crisis is a sequence of unwanted events that lead to major disturbance and unrest amongst individuals. Moreover, crisis communication refers to a special section that deals with the reputation of individuals and organizations. Additionally, it is an initiative that aims to protect an organization’s reputation and maintaining its public image. Also, crisis communication specialists strive to overcome difficult situations and help organizations to come out of these situations in the best and quickest way possible. A crisis can result in a negative effect on a brand’s image. Therefore, protecting the brand identity that is a valuable asset of an organization is important.

Read more on successful crisis communication and identification of key stakeholders at;


Essentially, for successful crisis communication, it is crucial to come up with a crisis communication team. A crisis communication consultant may also provide guidance when to key players to protect an organization’s reputation. Also, it is important to designate an individual responsible for every task. The organization also needs to assess its vulnerability. Additionally, brainstorming helps organizations to anticipate all sorts of crises that they are likely to face. Moreover, the organization needs to develop a crisis communication plan that includes the role of every member. The identification of key stakeholders is essential to ensure that they continue trusting the organization.

Read more on the steps to successful crisis communication at;


Fundamentally, the identification of key stakeholders helps to put more ideas on the table. It is crucial in successful crisis communication because it helps to gain support from all stakeholders to ensure that they protect an organization’s reputation. Moreover, it strengthens the position of an organization if there is opposition as the stakeholders bring moral and political support. Additionally, identifying stakeholders creates bridging social capacity for the community which cements relationships and strengthens the community. Furthermore, it increases the credibility of an organization as the stakeholders establish the organization as fair, transparent, and ethical.

Read more on the reasons for the identification of key stakeholders at;

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