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The use of information technology in data collection methods is currently helping the statistics department. Information technology uses any computers, storage, networking, and other physical devices, infrastructure, and processes. Besides, the devices create, process, store, secure, and exchange all electronic data forms. Typically, IT is important in the context of enterprise operations, unlike personal or entertainment technologies. Therefore, IT is efficient commercially in essential data collection methods. Moreover, the commercial use of IT encompasses both computer technology and telephony. IT can also refer to the architectures, methodologies, and regulations governing data use and storage. Most importantly, these operations use computer database applications.

Read more about the use of information in data collection methods at 


To put in a new perspective, one needs innovative technology using the necessary data to support. The use of information technology in data collection is cutting edge and never seen before. Data collection methods for emerging technology often have no pre-established steps. As the pioneer of collecting this specific data, it is important to analyze what to do and why it’s being done. First, identify the objectives and important data to achieve these goals. Second, create data collection methods that fulfill the needs of the data. However, it is essential to assess the quality of the recording devices. Therefore, the technological devices in use during recording audios and video are vital. Additionally, assessing the computer database applications vital for the collection of data is important.

Read more about the use of information technology to collect data at 


Computer-assisted data collection methods are increasingly replacing paper-and-pen methods of survey data collection. The use of information technology is making data collection easier. In Europe and North America, most professional research organizations now employ these new methods for much of their survey data collection. Therefore, Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) is the most prevalent, and computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) is rapidly gaining in popularity. Also, new interesting forms of computerized data collection, for instance, automatic speech recognition and surveys through the internet, are emerging. Consequently, this raises the question, what influence computer-assisted data collection methods have on the quality of the data. Above all, it is improving statistics and departments, making work easier for most organizations.

Read more about computer data collection methods at

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