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This dissertation examines Watson’s theory of caring and the basics of caregiving. The role of all nurses in ensuring that patients are in the best position to self-heal. Jean Watson’s theory of caring argues that caring regenerates life energies and improves people’s capabilities. Caring as a science facilitates embracing the positive energy flowing through the mind, body, and spirit. This integration is rewarding to both patients and nurses when patients’ health improves. Moreover, the wellness of patients is fulfilling to nurses on both a professional and personal level. Jean Watson also emphasizes that self-care is important for being able to care for others. Therefore, addressing the issues in nursing is crucial for improving caregiving.

Read more on Watson’s theory of caring and basics of caregiving at


Caregivers are individuals who provide necessary assistance to an aged or an ill person especially loved ones. They provide emotional, financial, physical, and other forms of assistance. There are guidelines outlining the requirements and ways of providing proper caregiving. The basics of caregiving include the following. If the person receiving care is an adult, then presenting them with choices is essential. Secondly, a caregiver should only offer what the individual can’t do. People receiving care are usually vulnerable; hence they must be comfortable with the type of care. Additionally, as Watson’s theory of caring stipulates, a caregiver must take care of him or herself. They must not overwhelm themselves by overworking their selves with caregiving responsibilities.

Read more on examining the basics of caregiving at


Nurse dedicate their lives, time, and emotions to ensuring that their patients are in the best possible state of health. Nurses play a major role in teaching the basics of caregiving to caregivers. This is, however, constrained by the issues they encounter in the course of their work. The issues in the nursing career include the following. One, inadequate staffing that results in a poor quality of service. This is because of the overwhelming of available nurses. Secondly, due to understaffing, nurses are forced to work overtime hence increasing errors due to fatigue. Thirdly, the issue of safety on the job is prominent. Safety depicts itself in the form of safe patient handling and safe needles. Failure to address these issues puts nurses’ wellbeing at risk.

Read more on the issues in nursing career at

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