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A successful business requires a proper ACCT701 financial analysis and the development of financial strategies for effective financial management. Primarily, financial analysis is the process of evaluating businesses, budgets, projects, and other financial transactions to determine performance and suitability. Additionally, it analyzes whether a business entity is stable, solvent, liquid, or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment. Also, it helps investors to choose the best possible investment opportunities. It also uses rations and financial statement data to determine the intrinsic value of a security. Similarly, financial strategies help to keep a business on track and ensure that it is working towards its goals.


Essentially, the first element in ACCT701 financial analysis is revenues. The quantity, quality, and timing of revenues can determine the long-term success of a business and is a requirement in warranting a monetary investment. Also, financial analysis involves the calculation of profits. Additionally, producing quality profits consistently enables the survival of a business. Moreover, a business ensures the development of financial strategies to enhance operational efficiency. Furthermore, operational efficiency is an element that measures how well a company is using its resources. Lack of operational efficiency leads to smaller profits and weaker growth.

Read more on the key elements of ACCT701 financial analysis at;


The development of financial strategies is necessary for effectively running a monetary investment. Furthermore, a financial strategy shows a business whether its goals are realistic. It evaluates where the business is and where it wants to be to help identify gaps and highlight potential shortfalls. Moreover, it helps in ACCT701 financial analysis to determine where a business spends its money. Financial strategies also assist a business to account for its expenses to ensure its success and growth.

Read more on the importance of the development of financial strategies at;

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