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The use of mulching is an important aspect of nutrition in plants as it helps to conserve the amount of water in the soil and improve soil fertility. Mulch is a layer of organic material such as grass or hay that covers the surface of the soil to conserve moisture, hold down weeds, and to improve the soil structure. Therefore, this ensures the uniform growth of plants. Moreover, it is a natural method of soil treatment in forests. Contrastingly, nutrition management is the use of crop nutrients as effectively as possible to increase the productivity of crops while conserving the environment. Furthermore, nutrient management ensures the balance between soil nutrients and crop requirements.
 nutrition in plants and the use of mulching


Primarily, nutrition management in plants helps to reduce the contamination of waterways by plant nutrients. Several nutrients are essential to ensure good nutrition in plants. However, nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium are the most important because plants require them in large quantities. These nutrients ensure the proper growth of plants. Additionally, nitrogen helps in the synthesis of proteins in plants. Moreover, it also helps in the synthesis of enzymes that control all the activities in a plant. The use of mulching with green waste helps to restore nitrogen in the soil. On the contrary, phosphorous is essential in the process of manufacturing energy in plants and root development.
 the importance of nutrition in plants


The use of mulching protects plants from harsh temperatures by keeping the soil cooler. It stops the hot sun and winds from penetrating the soil. Consequently, this conserves the soil moisture for the proper growth of plants. Also, mulching helps to improve soil fertility. Rain washes some nutrients from the mulch into the soil. This mulch rots and produces nutrients into the soil. This ensures good nutrition in plants. Additionally, mulching also prevents weed growth and keeps the soil firm. This reduces the need for cultivation.
 the advantages of the use of mulching

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