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Good quality culture in management contributes to achieving employee job satisfaction. Quality culture refers to a set of patterns of quality that members of an organization share, accept, and integrate. Moreover, the management systems of institutions and the organizational cultures contain these patterns of quality. Also, quality culture is the ability of an institution or individual to develop a quality assurance system in everyday work. Consequently, this helps in the achievement of continuous quality assurance without depending on the periodic evaluation. Contrastingly, job satisfaction is a personal feeling of contentment while doing work. It acts as a motivation to work as it creates happiness and self-contentment.
 quality culture in management and employee job satisfaction


Quality culture in management requires the feeling of mutual responsibility for the company, customers, and suppliers. Moreover, the goal should consistently be a win-win for all parties. Also, quality culture should entail open and honest communication. This is vital in creating a culture where people listen to one another. This helps to improve employee job satisfaction. Moreover, quality culture should also ensure that information is accessible. Information on the company’s strategic goals should be open to provide directions and ensure continuous quality assurance of work.
 essential elements of quality culture in management


Employee job satisfaction helps to strengthen a company and keep its members happy. Moreover, it enables a lower turnover as a company can retain its workers. Retaining workers makes it easier to recruit quality talent while saving money and creates a better environment. Also, it increases the productivity of the workplace. Employees with high job satisfaction also maintain continuous quality assurance of the work that they do. Additionally, they promote the level of sales to create a stronger bottom line. Furthermore, employee job satisfaction also promotes the loyalty of employees which improves the quality culture in management. Employees support the mission and work harder when they feel that the company has their best interests at work.
 importance of employee job satisfaction

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