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Social networking sites are a venue for social media usage that changes how people communicate with one another. They provide information on current events and allow people to capture and share moments using pictures and videos. Moreover, social media is any digital tool that allows users to create and share content with the public. Additionally, social media consists of a wide range of apps and websites. Others specialize in sharing links and short messages while others specialize in sharing photos and videos. Also, anyone within the internet can create a social media account to share whatever content they choose to.

social media usage and social networking sites


Essentially, social media usage is addictive. Furthermore, it creates mental preoccupation, mood modifying experiences, and escapism. Moreover, it also triggers sadness as it creates less life satisfaction and greater feelings of isolation. The more people spend on social networking sites, the more they feel social isolation. Also, these sites provide people a chance of sharing photos and videos of their personal life. This makes other users compare their lives with those of others which is mentally unhealthy. It may also cause jealousy and a vicious cycle of jealous feelings on one another. However, having many friends on social media may not certainly mean that a person is social. This means that it does not guarantee a better social life.

effects of social media usage on mental health


Social networking sites expose people to a lot of information. However, at times this content may be irrelevant due to the millions of people that engage in sharing photos and videos daily. Also, a person’s privacy in social media seems to deteriorate a bit every day. A person may also become a target when sharing their current location over social media. Additionally, cyber-bullying and peer pressure are common problems in social media usage. These issues majorly affect young adults and teens. In extreme cases, bullying and negative comments may cause anxiety, depression, or high levels of stress.
 disadvantages of social networking sites

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