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Schools reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic raises several issues for parents and calls for school reopening guidelines by the government. Notably, research on COVID-19 has shown that children are less likely to catch the novel virus and transmit it. There are some benefits to ending school closures, such as improved mental health and child education. However, scientists worry that even if there are low transmission levels, an expansive web of contacts will become risky. Children are staying at home, hampering the study of transmission rates among children. Lastly, schools reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic poses significant risks to children, and practical school reopening guidelines are essential.


Several school closure effects prove to be harmful to children. Mainly, school closure can lead to severe learning loss, and thus the need for in-person instruction. There was slowed academic learning during the wave of school closures over the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, a survey noticed that many schools had left learning to chance with fewer schools providing instructions to students. Student learning gets hugely affected by long breaks from in-person education, and this is harmful. Moreover, long periods away from school will contribute to a massive learning loss. The government should decide whether schools reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic is safe and provide and school reopening guidelines.

 schools reopening during COVID-19 pandemic and school closure effects


Proper school reopening guidelines can help in ensuring students are safe during this COVID-19 pandemic. Importantly, schools should ensure physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by maintaining a six feet distance. However, desks can get spaced three feet apart and ensure there is no close contact among students. Temperature checks and testing are also necessary, and there is a need to identify a feasible way to measure every child. Moreover, schools should ensure there are cloth face coverings for adults and frequent hand washing. Parents are worried about schools reopening during COVID-19 pandemic, and school reopening guidelines can help quell those concerns.

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