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The Watergate scandal was the most significant heist plot in the US, and there are several lessons from Watergate. Mainly, the disgrace began early on the morning of June 17, 1972, where several burglars got arrested. They were in the office of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate complex of buildings in Washington. Notably, this was not an ordinary robbery as the prowlers had connections with President Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign. Additionally, the prowlers had been wiretapping phones and stealing the democrat’s top-secret documents at the time. Additionally, the essay will highlight the Watergate scandal’s impact on the US and lessons from Watergate.

the Watergate scandal and lessons from Westgate


There are some lessons from Watergate that the current US government can learn. Notably, the Watergate scandal exposes the unethical and undemocratic conduct of Nixon’s administration. The administration employed the use of secret military force, illegal campaign contributions, domestic spying, and bribery. Moreover, there was the misuse of government machinery to attack political opponents. The post-Watergate period ushered in an era of reforms and the remaking of the US’ campaign finance system. Furthermore, there was new protection to curb abusive of executive power, such as the privacy act. Thus, the essay will discuss events of the Watergate scandal and lessons from Watergate.

 lessons from Watergate and the Watergate cover-up


President Nixon’s administration was the architect of the Watergate scandal that brought shame to its democracy. Importantly, the white house’s involvement got unearthed through government investigations and reporting by the Washington Post. The Washington post’s Woodward and Bernstein figured out that McCord had connected burglars to Hunt and Colson. Moreover, they said a check earmarked from Nixon’s campaign made its way to Bernard’s bank account. They also uncovered a secret slush fund used to investigate democrats and Segretti’s sabotage efforts. Finally, the Senate investigations reported a conspiracy and cover-up that reached higher. Lastly, The assignment will help in understanding the Watergate scandal and essential lessons from Watergate.

 president Nixon’s administration and the Watergate scandal

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