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The communist manifesto got crafted as a result of Karl Marx’s communist ideology, which opposed the capitalist ideology. Mainly, the communist manifesto got published in London by a group known as the Communist League. The political pamphlet proclaimed that the history of the existing society was the history of class struggles. Moreover, it also declared that a certain working-class would end the class society forever. Karl Marx’s work had little impact, but his ideas reverberated increasingly in the 20th century. Primarily, Karl’s work predicted a revolution in Europe that began in France. The communist manifesto, based on Karl Marx’s communist ideology, led to revolts across Europe.


The communist manifesto’s impact was widespread across Europe, and it became an essential guideline for socialist movements. The communist manifesto got published in 1848, and it advocated for the overthrowing of capitalism. Mainly, Karl Marx, with the help of Frederick Engels, highlighted the essential laws of capitalism as a class-based social system. The essence of capitalism exploits the majority by the minority owning the means of production to gain profits. Significantly, socialism got a scientific basis through the manifesto, thus moving from a set of ideas. The communist manifesto and Karl Marx’s communist ideology allowed socialists to understand capitalists’ motives.


Thus, Karl Marx’s communist ideology opposed capitalism as it was a volatile economic system that would lead to suffering. Notably, the pain would be due to crises such as recessions and depressions that would cause unemployment. Moreover, it would also produce lower wages and increased misery among the working class. The crises would convince the working class that their interests as a group are much opposed to the minority rulers. Thus, with revolutionary class consciousness, they would seize means of production and establish a socialist state. The communist manifesto and Karl Marx’s communist ideology highlight the ills of capitalism towards the working class.

 Karl Marx’s communism ideology and the communist society

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