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The essay will highlight a critical review of Social media use and risky behaviors in adolescents by Anna Vannucci. Mainly, the report examined the associations that existed between social media use and risk behavior during adolescence. Moreover, it evaluated study characteristics such as sample age, types of media platform assessment that could moderate these relationships. The results showed that there existed positive, small to medium correlations between social media use and risky behavior engagement. However, there were insufficient independent samples to carry out a random effect model for violence-related behaviors. Thus, the essay will discuss social media use and risky behaviors in adolescents.

 social media use and risky behaviors in adolescent


The assignment discusses social media use and risky behaviors in adolescent research methods and the results. Primarily, the individual data got obtained from 154,981 adolescents with a mean of 13.5 years from 29 countries. Thus, the individuals had participated in a 2017/2018 Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey. Excessive social media use (SMU) got measured by the time spent. Mainly, problematic SMU got defined through symptoms of addiction to social media. Moreover, there was an assessment of mental, school, and social well-being. A review of social media use and risky behaviors in adolescents shows a positive correlation between the two.

 social media use and risky behaviors in adolescent research methods


There are several conclusions on social media use and risky behaviors in adolescents. Anna Vannucci’s research found that adolescents throughout 29 countries were at risk of SMU signaling a problematic issue. Mainly, SMU impairment is relevant to current guidelines and policies on healthy SMU. Potential contexts for detecting adolescents with problematic SMU include schools, family, and clinical settings. Moreover, the backgrounds are essential in the implementation of support and intervention measures necessary in reducing levels of problematic SMU. Additional support needs to get provided to adolescents with intense SMU. Lastly, the assignmnet will provide a critical review of social media use and risky behaviors in adolescents.

conclusions on social media use and risky behaviors in adolescent

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