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The essay will discuss the concept of fortress capitalism and European border regime development. Mainly, the concept has two dimensions; the first focusing on border regimes aiming to control the working class mobility. Second, it designates a dystopian future scenario, in which these repressive elements have massively expanded. Notably, such a formation develops as a result of modern-day fascism. A great example of the restrictive transformation of border regimes is the E.U.s support of the Libyan militias. Primarily, the militias violently ensure refugees and migrants fail to reach European shores. The essay will help in understanding the concept of fortress capitalism and European border regime development.

the concept of fortress capitalism and European border regime development


The Marxist I.R. approach concerning migration highlights the importance of historical materialism as an international relations approach. Mainly, Marxists criticize the fixed aspects of borders due to its creation of dependency relations and inequality. The inequality occurs due to restriction and control of access to resources and labor. Significantly, Marxists argue for the need for a global citizenship concept to counter how states access to labor. The Marxist point of view highlights that people get united by their oppression by capitalism and the modern state system. Thus, the essay will highlight the concept of fortress capitalism and European border regime development.

 Marxist I.R. approach and European border regime development


The European border regime development helps in understanding the various Marxist issues that arise from immigration. The E.U. found itself in crisis in the 1980s before it as people rapidly disapproved of unification. Moreover, there was an economic loss in the E.C. states that followed as many states continued their economic system. To complete the European integration drive, the German Chancellor and the French President utilized a political component. Already, there existed four fundamental freedoms of the internal market, but freedom of movement lacked. Lastly, the assignment will discuss issues concerning the concept of fortress capitalism and European border regime development.

European border regime development and Marxism issues in immigration

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